Doggie drinking fountains

July 16, 2016

project description

We’re looking to install pet friendly drinking fountains across the town in our parks and green spaces.

Our first one was installed outside the visitor centre at Hengistbury Head, with others now installed at Winton Rec and Slades Park.

We're now fundraising for the next fountain, with a new design, at Fisherman's Walk, Southbourne. By installing the fountains it will enable people to refill their water bottles in turn reducing plastic consumption.

These are very popular overseas, but we haven’t seen them elsewhere in the UK yet, can you help us to be the first? Please help us by making a quick donation online.

In the event that we don’t raise enough money for this project, or exceed our target, the money raised will go towards our general charitable activities.

TARGET £4,000

Raised so far £3,808